lørdag den 31. maj 2014

Paris, France

The City of Love was the destination for today - at the end of the single longest stint of the entire Eurotour. 

The students spent pretty much the entire trip sleeping, which the bus driver took advantage of, and made good progress from the get go. 

Our bus driver, John, has been truly great in getting us where we need to go on time, and is all in all a really skilled long distance bus driver to which we owe a great deal. We have tried to help him in his job by making sure that the students take out all of their trash, belongings etc. every time they leave the bus, but apparently we were still making such a mess that he have had to spend upwards of 2+ hours to clean the bus every time we've been on one of the long drives - something we all though was completely unfair to him - after all; the rest of us can sleep while he powers on, so we've started to take advantage of the 62 willing pair of helping hands that we have available on the bus.
So during the last break the entire bus was cleaned, washed down and vacumed in just 35 minutes! Now THAT'S being effective, and John was a happy man.

Upon arrival at the Oops (I did it again) Hotel in Paris we all went out and found dinner nearby and then it was time for a cruise on the Seinen River, which goes through the center of Paris and from where a lot of the major tourist attractions can be seen. The weather was perfect, and we all enjoyed our time on the river.

After this the students could chose to go home or to stay and climb the Eiffel Tower which many did.
It proved to be quite the task and it took forEVER!
So for the first time on the entire trip we were late for a set time - in the future we'll try not to be so optimistic ;)

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